It's no secret that I am a huge fan of New York Magazine. It always seems to speak to the issues in my life, my biggest concerns or sheer entertainment. Therefore, I wasn't surprised to find a spread on the 9 most luxurious bathrooms. You might find this odd ... but, I am OBSESSED with bathrooms and kitchens. When apartment hunting - I always look for images of these 2 rooms because I think they define and outline the overall ambience of the home. Therefore, it's remarkably surprising that most recently, B and I chose our loft despite it's dated restrooms (the kitchen, however is top notch and the layout was too unique to pass up)! As a result, I am desperate for a bathroom makeover (which is ridiculous since we live in a RENTED apartment). I guess I'll just have to live with our 80's monstrosity while coveting these beauties. (PS - the claw foot tub is A-MAZ-ING. Especially for a devoted bath-taker like myself). See the cool images (and hearty pricetags that accompany them) here: http://nymag.com/realestate/articles/10/09/luxebathrooms/
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