I'm finished. My book has finally concluded. This doesn't mean that I'm done editing. Or that I will ever be truly be done editing but the contents themselves are out. It's taken YEARS and more than a little patience on the part of B and my family. Still ... it's well on its way. I met with a publishing company last week and they seem interested ... even submitting a bid! HURRAY!
All of this got me thinking of cover art. While it's commonly said that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, I am notorious for doing just that. Aren't you? So then ... I should ask ... what would be the PERFECT cover for Undettered (the title thusfar). Remember, it's about Jon Blais and his remarkable Ironman journey told through the eyes of Isabella ... his lover.
I'm so excited for you! And I'm so excited for another blog post.